Landing the girl of your dreams is a hard enough endeavor as it is. However, keeping her in your life is going to be just as...
This is my take on how most failed relationships look like. You meet a person, and you become interested in them. You may see a few...
Breakups hurt. There is just no getting around that fact. They cut for a reason too. After all, you were once in love with the person...
Mistakes happen. They happen a lot in relationships. No matter how hard you might try, it’s so hard to be perfect in a relationship. Truthfully, it’s...
Breakups are hard. They’re an inevitable shock to the system. Breakups change everything you’ve become accustomed to. There may be so many questions, such as what went wrong, what you...
That pint of ice cream after a nasty breakup may not do as much damage as you think. Despite the emotional turmoil, people on average do...
Sure, dating can be fun. It can also be stressful, confusing, heartbreaking, weird, and…boring. But we still do it, and we want to know how you...